Let all my children all over the World listen to this message, let everyone read this message. General Overseer of Nigeria’s largest Church in numbers of branches and, arguably, members’ population, the Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG), Pastor Enoch Adejare Adeboye admonished all members and Christians alike.
Here is the message presented on Day 2 Of RCCG 2020 Convention on Excitement About Salvation.
Give him the least opportunity and Pastor Enoch Adeboye, General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God will use part of it to win souls. He urges members of the church to be incurable soul winners; and so is he.
On the second day of the ongoing 2020 Annual Convention of the church, his session, which usually closes the day, was devoted to Salvation; he had the whole night to do that and he was visibly happy about the opportunity.
“In the past, when I had the opportunity of talking to you on Salvation, we had been limited by time,” he noted. “But now we have more time so we are not in a hurry. We are here for the Convention and we are happily settled down in our homes so I can take as much time as I like.”
He has often shared testimonies about such opportunities like this one:
“Some years ago, I received an honorary doctorate degree from the University of Ibadan. It was a large gathering with eminent personalities like the political elite, traditional title holders and academicians, all gracefully adorned in their beautiful gowns.
“At some point, they gave me the microphone and told me I had just five minutes to say something. I thanked them for honouring me and quickly added that but for Jesus I would not have received that honour.
“I went on to say that there is an honour waiting for some people in Heaven and that if they do not give their lives to Jesus, although they can be honoured here on earth, they would lose the honour of Heaven.
“I then gave an altar call.”
The Wonders of Salvation.
Salvation, according to Wikipedia, is the state of being saved or protected from harm or a dire situation. In religion and theology, salvation generally refers to the deliverance of the soul from sin and its consequences; which was made possible for man by Jesus Christ.
Therefore the Scripture says: “If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
The position of the unsaved is critically bad; for the Scripture notes that “God is an honest judge; He is angry with the wicked every day.”
However, upon Salvation you get a new name; you are called the son of God. Also you start a transformation with a change of future prospects.
A Change of Name can seriously affect your Future.
A new name can mean some tremendous transformations come your way. Otherwise you won’t find God changing the names of people from Abram to Abraham; Sarai to Sarah.
Things changed for Abraham when his name was changed from Abram; Jacob, a cheat, was a weakling, afraid of his brother Esau, who was approaching his dwelling, but the dynamics changed after an encounter with God during which his name was changed to Israel.
Salvation changes your accommodation from a world of darkness to one of light
You no longer live in the kingdom of Satan – which is the kingdom of darkness – You now begin to live in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. Who definitely is the Light of the World. As a matter of fact, not only do you now begin to live in Light, you will continue to SHINE!*
You come under a new management: from the management of Satan who can abandon you without warning, to the management of Almighty God.
You will now come under a New Management. It is a dangerous thing to be under the Management of Satan. And that’s where you have been till you become Born Again.
Because the problem with being under the Management of Satan is that: He will abandoned you at a critical moment – He will use you and abandoned you. If you are serving the devil, he will pay you with disappointment, he will pay you with evil and sorrow.
When you are truly Born Again, you become a new creature; a new creation; a child of God. Before then you are an animal living a bestial, sin-ridden life of adultery, fornication hatred and envy – all of which lead you to self-ruin and hell. The reason a sinner is called a Sinner is because, it is his Nature to SIN.
The new creation from Salvation belongs to God’s family; and is even joint-heir with Jesus. You are adopted into the Family of God.*
And according to Romans 8:16-17, the Bible says: “You become the HEIR of God.” You are now an INHERITOR of whatever God has: Joint Heirs with Christ.*
From a life of hopelessness, the New Creature has new hope in a God to who everything is possible.
When you are truly Born Again, You have NEW HOPE.*
You see, everybody has Hope! – One kind of Hope or the other.
Before you are Born Again, you have Hope of what you call ‘The Raining Day’.
You are hoping that sooner of later, trouble will come; witches will attack, enemies will operate.
That is why you go to the Herbalist – to armed yourself (laughs!)
… Because you are expecting that sooner or later, trouble will come.
And the interesting thing is: As you HOPED for them, they do come!*
In Job 3:25, Job said: “The things I feared most had happened unto me.”
Whereas, when you are truly Born Again, you have a different kind of HOPE now.
Colossians 1:27; says: “Christ in you, the HOPE of Glory.”
When you are in Christ you can only say: Oh, my tomorrow will be alright!
Under Salvation one has a new influence because of the connections to the Most High God; one has new abilities and failure is not one’s portion.
One is also gifted with the ability to hear inaudible things of the spirit realm; Jesus said His sheep hears His voice.
With Salvation you have new joy – joy unspeakable; if you are one (1) of His children, and you are truly Born Again – YOU WILL BE HEARING His Voice QUIETLY.
As He is Guiding you, Directing you; and at times Warning you – don’t do this, don’t do that, don’t go this way – That is the way to GO!
When you are truly Born Again, YOU SUDDENLY DEVELOP NEW STRENGTH.* The Joy of the Lord IS your Strength.
Because now, you wake up Rejoicing; you go to work Rejoicing; you return Rejoicing
You just suddenly discovered that hey, I’m Stronger than I used to be.”They that wait upon the Lord shall RENEW their Strength.”
You suddenly discover, that your Strength is being renewed day by day!
You are clothed with the garment of praise You will just find yourself (most of the time) everywhere you go, SINGING, PRAISING God.
With a new vision, you focus on the things of God; things of heavenly places, rather that earthly things. SUDDENLY, YOU WILL BEGIN TO HAVE A NEW VISION.
New AMBITION, New PLANS for the Future!
Suddenly, you begin to look at Spiritual things as more important than Material things.
… And I like that!
You see, it is a dangerous thing to be lonely – It is a very, very terrible thing to be lonely.
That is why I always tell my friends: If you are going to start a conversation with someone who is living alone; Make sure you you have plenty of time!
To enjoy all these wonders of Salvation, we have to call on Jesus, who is the only one who can save. He paid the price for it on Calvary
To be Saved, there are certain things that you need to know:
1. You must realise that you are in SERIOUS TROUBLE if you are not Saved.
Then you need to realised: You CAN’T CHANGE YOURSELF without Help.
And then you need to know that ONLY JESUS CAN SAVE.
He is ready to save you but But then YOU HAVE TO CALL ON HIM TO SAVE YOUR SOUL.*
From a Sermon of Pastor Enoch Adeboye last night on Day 2 of the RCCG 2020 Convention.