NCDMB trains Teachers on New STEM Educational Device

The Nigerian Content Development and Monitoring Board (NCDMB) recently concluded a 5-day capacity building training of 70 Teachers from the nine oil & gas producing states including Lagos and Oyo State. The training took place at the Nigerian Content Conference Hall, NC Towers in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State.

The training was focused on K-Yan Device, a digital classroom solution, designed and developed to promote Interactive and ICT driven learning as well as improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education in schools.

The General Manager, Capacity Building Division, NCDMB, Dr. Ama Ikuru in his remarks mentioned that the Board’s key mandate is to grow capacity in the Nigerian oil and gas industry through Human Capacity Development, adding that over 10,000 Nigerians have been trained since the Board’s inception in 2010.

He reiterated that the training is intended to equip beneficiary teachers with the knowledge, skills and competences required for the use of this K-Yan Device, expose beneficiary teachers to technology-driven teaching methodologies/techniques in line with global best practices, promote STEM Education and reposition learning and teaching in Nigerian Secondary Schools and enhance the global competitiveness of the Nigerian Educational System.

“The training will aid revitalizing the study of Science, Technology Engineering & Mathematics in secondary schools by implementing innovative learning technologies for enhanced learning in schools across the nation”.

Dr. Ikuru stressed that the teachers were selected from various secondary schools that have benefitted from the ICT centers donated by the NCDMB. He maintained that the training was in two phases; to acquire the devices as well as merge other working tools to improve the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) of students and the schools.

Speaking further, Ikuru said, “The technology is aided with customized interactive multimedia content and will provide teachers with the required training and IT competences needed to revolutionize learning in an ecosystem that is rapidly being digitized”.

He commended Q-Oil and Gas Limited for their efforts and commitment to the training and urged the teachers to use the device effectively to improve and upgrade the curriculum of their schools, to teach students and train other teachers in their various schools on the use of the device.

Some of the teachers appreciated the Board for the opportunities and tools provided to improve on the learning process of the students.

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