‘My dirty Acts’ Driver Speaks on Death of 22 Year-old BRT Passenger

Driver of BRT Bus, Nice Andrew, gives conflicting statements in less thsn 24 hours on the heartless death of Bamise Nice Andrew, the driver of the Bus Rapid Transport on which 22-year-old Oluwabamise Ayanwole was killed, has said that he dido not report the death of his passenger to the authority “because of the dirty acts he has done.” He also made a u-turn on his initial statement that some people on the bus dragged down the late fashion designer. Andrew had in an interview with TVC News said he…

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Pray for me, Details Emerge On BRT Passenger’s Struggle With Death

Driver of Lagos BRT Arrested, Abductors dumped the remains of Bamise on the Carter Bridge by Ogogoro Community – Police   Pity evoking details have emerged on how 22-year-old Oluwabamise Ayanwole, a passenger on Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Lagos fought hard to stay alive, Platforms Africa reports. Her abductors won. She was found dead and her remains dumped on the Carter Bridge by Ogogoro Community, according to the Police. Already, the driver of the bus in which a 22-year-old Oluwabamise Ayanwole was allegedly murdered has been arrested. Ayanwola, Platforms Africa…

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JUST IN: Oil Hits $140/bbl, Traders Bet On $200/bbl Before March End

How oil spike to price last seen in 14 years is causing reactions in the U.S. as Russia says sanctions to push price to $300 per barrel Oil prices have hit $140 per barrel, a surge to their highest level in more than a decade and US stocks plummeted as the Biden administration said it would mull a potential ban on Russian energy. Brent crude oil touched nearly $140 per barrel on Monday as the market reacted to the possibility of a ban. That’s up sharply from prices that hovered…

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Africa Not Ready To Abandon Oil, Wrong To Blame Us For Emission ― APPO

As the global climate debate gets more intense, reaffirming the reality that the energy industry must decarbonize in order to save the earth from what may eventually become an irreversible catastrophe, meaning also that the exploitation anduse of fossil fuels must be phased out or at least phased down, the African Petroleum Producers’ Organization (APPO) has insisted that the people of Africa cannot immediately abandon the use of fossil fuels for the continent’s economic development According to Dr. Omar Farouk Ibrahim, who heads the continent’s 15 Member Countries Petroleum Organization,…

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