Nigeria’s Delegation At COP 28 In Dubai, By Reuben Abati

The biggest story in Nigeria at the moment is the size of Nigeria’s delegation to the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Summit on Climate Change, otherwise known as COP 28. In simple terms, the objective of the Conference of Parties is to secure multilateral, bilateral agreements on the consensus by a panel of international, intergovernmental, climate change scientists (IPCC) that for our world to be save, global temperatures must be kept at a level not above 1.5C, as adopted in the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement, beyond which the…

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William Ruto and Kenya Election, by Reuben Abati

How the Kenyatta and Odinga coalition was clearly humbled and humiliated + a particularly interesting tale of Prof. George Wajackoyah, candidate of the Roots Party of Kenya, whose social media sensation and populism fetched him less than 1 % of the total votes despite social media unorthodox campaign targeted at young voters   We are here this evening to witness this momentous occasion as the people of Kenya restate what is in article one of the constitution of Kenya that all sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya…I want…

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