The media possesses near-celestial powers. It calls into existence what must be and what must not be. It can actuate change and mobilise consciences to a cause. It can destroy, it can build; it can hurt and it can heal. Yes, it can call into existence ‘’the things that do not exist’’, – the power of god. I must say, the power of the media is also its burden. The ‘’omnipotence’’ of this public institution straps on it great responsibility. After all, ‘’with great power comes great responsibility’’. The…
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‘Pfizer Vaccine For The Elite, China Vaccine For The Rest’
One thing is constant in the human ecosystem – class struggle. According to Karl Marx, “The history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.” There is perhaps, no other country where the fault lines of class are well accented like in Nigeria – where the rich secrete themselves in vulgar mansions with ramparts flanked by slums and where the elite hedge themselves about with phalanxes of police officers, and even conscripting the security officers into their household servantry. But I think Nigeria is where there…
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