Man Undergoes Height Lengthening Surgery To Grow Taller + PHOTOS

I contacted a ‘spiritual healer’ online; used medication. Here is how I added five inches to my height after struggling to talk to women for years- Moses Gibson   A man, Moses Gibson, from Minneapolis, Minnesota in the United States, has undergone a leg surgery to add five inches to his height after struggling to talk to women for years due to self-doubt about his stature. Gibson said he had been insecure about his height since he was 15 years old, after witnessing other boys his age go through growth…

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Man, 42, who rejected vaccine, dies of Covid – Report

“He was left in intensive care after catching coronavirus, telling his consultant before he was ventilated that he wished he had been vaccinated.”   A “fit and healthy” 42-year-old who loved climbing mountains and lifting weights has died of Covid after refusing to get the vaccine, leaving his twin sister and mother heartbroken and warning others not to think they are invulnerable to the dangers of the virus, The Guardian has reported. The father of one, John Eyers, a construction expert from Southport in Merseyside, was described by his sister…

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