BREAKING: 3 Power Lines Collapse, Plunge Abeokuta, Mowe, 4 Ogun Towns In Blackout

“All 33 KV feeders from Abeokuta Transmission Substation (T/S), Ojere, and New Abeokuta TS at Kobape. will be out until the towers are reconstructed,” IBEDC Confirms blackout, apologises to Ogun customers over impending perpetual outage    Three power lines (towers) on the Papalanto/Ojere 132KV Double-Circuit Lines have collapsed, plunging the entire Abeokuta, Mowe and four other major towns in Ogun state into a blackout that may last for a long period of time. Platforms Africa reports that the collapse of the three towers has already put the Abeokuta Transmission Substation…

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