Rate in December 2024 was 2.66% which shows a 0.32% decrease compared to the rate recorded in November 2024 (2.98%).
The decline can be attributed to the rate of decrease in the average prices of Local Beer (Burukutu), Pinto (Tobacco Class), Fruit Juice in tin, Malt drinks, etc (Soft Drinks Class), Rice, Millet, Maize flour, etc (Bread and Cereals Class) and Water Yam, Irish Potatoes, Coco Yam, etc (Potatoes, Yam & Other Tubers Class).
The average annual rate of Food inflation for the twelve months ending December 2024 over the previous twelve-month average was 39.12%, which was 11.16% points higher compared with the average annual rate of change recorded in December 2023 (27.96%).
The CPI measures the average change over time in the prices of goods and services consumed by people for day-to-day living.
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The construction of the CPI combines economic theory, sampling, and other statistical techniques using data from other surveys to produce a weighted measure of average price changes in the Nigerian economy.
The weighting occurs to capture the importance of the selected commodities in the entire index. The production of the CPI requires the skills of economists, statisticians, computer scientists, data collectors, and others.
Key in the construction of the price index is the selection of the market basket of goods and services. Every month, 10,534 informants spread across the country provide price data for the computation of the CPI. The market items currently comprise 740 goods and services regularly priced.
The first stage in the calculation of the CPI is the collection of prices on each item (740 goods and services) from outlets in each sector (rural or urban) for each state. Prices are then averaged for each item per sector across the state.
The next step is to use the average price to calculate the basic index for each commodity: The current year price of each commodity is compared with a base year’s price to obtain a relative price.